Call for papers for the
11th Microwave and Radar Week 2024
1-4 July 2024 (face-to-face format)
Wrocław, POLAND
Dear colleagues,
I am very pleased to inform you that the International Microwave and Radar Conference (MIKON-2024) and International Radar Symposium (IRS-2024) will take place in Wrocław, Poland between July 1-4, 2024 during the 11th Microwave and Radar Week 2024. The conference will provide an excellent international forum for the dissemination of original research results, new ideas and the direct exchange of professional experiences. The event is aimed for academics, researchers, engineers as well as industry professionals.
The Submission of Papers is opened now.
You are invited to submit papers in PDF format in either of the following three categories:
- Full paper of 3 – 6 A4 pages long
- Extended abstract of 2 full pages long is allowed for authors who declare to extend their conference paper and submit it for Special Issue
- One-page abstracts, which will be prepared on the basis of articles already published by the authors in journals
Authors of the papers of category A or B, submitted to MRW 2024 conferences, are invited to write an extended postconference paper to be published in Special Issues of selected journals, including IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (aiming for post-MIKON papers) and (tentatively) MDPI Remote Sensing (aiming for post-IRS papers).
In order to submit a paper please create an account or login first via MRW 2024 conference system EDAS and then submit your paper as PDF file for MIKON-2024 or IRS-2024 no later than 4th of March 2024.
The conference topics are as follows:
- Antenna Design, Modeling & Measurements
- Active Devices & Components
- Passive Devices & Components
- Microwave & Optical Integrated Circuits
- Millimeter & Sub-millimeter Technology
- Photonics, Microwave-Light Wave Interaction
- RF, VHF & UHF Technology
- Magnetic & Acoustic Wave Devices
- Spintronics
- CAD Technology, Modeling & Simulation
- Microwave Measurements
- Teaching Microwaves
- Industrial, Environmental & Medical Applications
- Microwave & Optical Communications Systems
- Wireless & Personal Communications
- Radar Technology
- Radar Polarimetry & Signatures
- Sensors, Detectors & Vehicular Radars
- Electromagnetic Compatibility
- THz Techniques
- Space and Satellite Systems
- Ground Moving Target Indication
- Antennas in biology and medicine
- Multi-Channel and Array Processing
- Adaptive Signal Processing / STAP
- SAR / ISAR Imaging
- Compressive Sensing
- Cognitive Radar
- Localisation and Tracking
- Ground Moving Target Indication
- Sensor Data Fusion
- Passive, Bistatic and Multi-Static Radar
- Forward Scattering Radar
- HF and Over-the-Horizon Radar
- Electronic Warfare
- Millimeter Wave and THz Radar
- MIMO Radar
- UWB and Noise Radar
- Antennas, Arrays and Beamforming
- Propagation of Radar Signals
- Polarimetric Radar / Radar Polarimetry
- Radar and Clutter Modelling
- Ground / Airborne / Spaceborne Radar
- Radar Remote Sensing
- Automotive and Maritime Radar
- Weather Radar
- Radar History
Instructions for authors and the paper template you can find on the IRS-2024 and MIKON-2024 subpages.
All submissions will be subject to peer-review and accepted papers (of category A or B) will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements. Authors may optionally choose not to include the paper in IEEE Xplore.
Please feel free to circulate this message among your friends.
I would like to send my greetings and I look forward to seeing you in Wroclaw, Poland.
Kind regards,
Prof. Józef Modelski
MRW-2024 General Chair
We look forward to your participation!
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