Time until MRW 2024:
Event finished
General Information
MICROWAVE & RADAR WEEK / A biennial microwave and radar event in Central and Eastern Europe since 2004.
The 11th MICROWAVE & RADAR WEEK is the continuation of the series of very successful conferences in Warsaw (2004), Krakow (2006), Wroclaw (2008), Vilnius (2010), Warsaw (2012), Gdansk (2014), Krakow (2016), Poznan (2018), Warsaw (2020) and in Gdansk(2022).
The 11th Microwave and Radar Week MRW-2024 comes to Wroclaw, Poland. The event comprises of two parallel conferences: MIKON-2024 (25th International Microwave and Radar Conference) and IRS-2024 (International Radar Symposium).
Welcome to the Microwave and Radar Week 2024
It is our honor and pleasure to welcome you to the 11th International Microwave and Radar Week (MRW), a leading biennial event in the Central Europe, which will take place in Wroclaw between 1st and 4th of July 2024.
The first Week was organized in 2004 in Warsaw using as a kernel the International Microwave and Radar Conference MIKON. MIKON’s predecessor was established in 1969 by the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) as a national event and in 1994 was transformed into a biennial international conference under the auspices of PAN and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE (MTT and AP Societies). Since 2002 it has been also technically co-sponsored by the European Microwave Association (EuMA) and the European GAAS Association.
The main partners of that first Week were: the International Radar Symposium IRS’04 (established in 1998 by German radar community, in 2004 for the first time held outside Germany) and the 17th International Conference on Electromagnetic Fields and Materials EMFM’04 (since 1970’s organized by the former Soviet Union countries). Successive MRWs also included other conferences like International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems MIXDES, Baltic URSI Symposium or Signal Processing Symposium, but only IRS has become regular partner.
The first three MRW editions were organized by the Telecommunications Research Institute (PIT) and held in Warsaw (2004), Krakow (2006), Wroclaw (2008); the fourth Week in 2010 crossed the borders of Poland and was held in Vilnius, Lithuania, organized by Geozondas Ltd; the fifth edition in 2012 came back to Warsaw and was organized by the Military University of Technology. Following a very successful experience with Vilnius, the plans for 2014 were to visit Lviv, Ukraine. Unfortunately, because of Russia’s annexation of Crimea followed by unrest in Ukraine, we had to move the MRW 2014 to Gdansk. This almost last minute challenge was taken by the PITRADWAR and the Gdansk University of Technology. Since 2016 the MRWs have been co-organized by the Microwave and Radiolocation Foundation MIKON (established in 2015) and by leading technical universities, but PITRADWAR SA has become MRWs strategic partner. Subsequent MRWs were organized: in 2016 by the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, next two editions by the Warsaw University of Technology – in 2018 in Poznan and in 2020 in Warsaw in co-operation with Geozondas Ltd, and the last one in 2022 by the Gdansk University of Technology in Gdansk. In 2024 the MRW is coming back to Wroclaw, the city of unique legacy of history, science and culture, the European Capital of Culture in 2016. It is hosted by the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Wroclaw Tech).
Wrocław, while being a city of great cultural and economic significance, is also a leading center of academic life, with 11 public universities, multiple private higher education institutions, and in excess of 100,000 students. Among these, a prominent role is played by the conference co-organizer, Wroclaw Tech, which conducts research and teaching in a so-called ‘four-legged model’ comprising traditional technical and natural sciences, supported by humanities and – as of quite recently – by medical sciences as well.
Wroclaw is also reputed for being a tourist destination, with its long multicultural history, picturesque historic market square, over a hundred bridges, cozy brasseries, six hundred Wroclaw dwarves (we challenge you to pinpoint at least 10 of them while doing sightseeing) and plenty of other remarkable attractions. Immersed in the atmosphere of hospitality, openness, tolerance and diversity, we hope you will find your stay with us an enjoyable experience, best reflected by the city’s motto: “Wrocław – the meeting place”.
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you cordially to the Microwave and Radar Week 2024.
Important dates
November 27th, 2023
Paper submission opens
March 4th, 2024
Paper submission deadline
April 27th, 2024
Acceptance notice
May 19th, 2024
Final paper preparation until
May 17th, 2024
Early bird registration until
June 15th, 2024
Regular registration until
June 16th, 2024
Late/onsite registration from
July 1st, 2024
Conference starts
Call for Papers
Call for Papers
pdf, 502 KB
Sponsor & Exhibitor stands
Sponsor & Exhibitor stands
pdf, 4954 KB
Mobile App

Józef Modelski
MRW 2024 General Chair

Robert Borowiec
MRW 2024 Organizing Committee Chair
Organized by

MRW is technically cosponsored
and patronised by