Women in Microwaves
The Women in Microwave Panel Session at MRW2024 continues the tradition of such sessions organised at two previous MRW editions:
- ”Women in Microwaves” at MRW2020 in Warsaw,
- ”Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE)” at MRW2022 in Gdansk.
It is also worth mentioning that the WiSE Session of MRW2022 was repated – in a remote form but with an expanded content – during the 2nd IEEE Ukrainian Microwave Week in November 2022.
If Women in Microwaves, Women in Engineering, Women in STEM activities sound like a novelty to you, please take it for granted that you will enjoy participating in the WiM session this year!
All MRW attendees are welcome. Come and show your understanding and support to women building their carriers in the microwave and radar technologies. Support diversity and inclusion in our field.
Please refer to https://mrw2024.org/women-in-microwaves/ for:
- more details about the WiM session planned for MRW2024 ,
- reports on the above listed WiM and WiSE sessions.