IRS 2024 Focus Session
“Noise / LPI radar”
Conventional radar that uses pulsed linear frequency modulation in transmitted signal can be easily detected and identified by modern electronic reconnaissance systems. Fixed waveform model with only few degrees of freedom is also prone to intentional and unintentional jamming in congested spectrum. An alternative approach is to use a random or pseudorandom transmit signal that is unique for each sounding or other techniques of energy spreading.
The session focuses on LPI radar concepts and applications. Topics such as waveform design, performance comparison to deterministic-waveform counterpart, hardware implementations and usage scenarios are welcome. Also new trends such as Code Division Multiplexing MIMO and Joint Radar-Communication systems using noise-like signals lie within the scope of this session.
Session chair
Dr Łukasz Maślikowski, Warsaw University of Technology, POLAND
Dr Łukasz Maślikowski received the M.Sc. in electrical and computer engineering (2011) and Ph.D. in telecommunications (2018) from the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), Warsaw, Poland. He has been working at WUT since the start of his career and now he is an Assistant Professor there.
Dr Maślikowski is the Co-Chairman of the NATO STO Research Task Group SET-287 “Capabilities of Noise Radar”. He was also a TPC member of the SPSympo 2023 Conference.
His main research interests include radar signal processing, especially in noise, MIMO and passive radar as well as RF measurements and radar system design and validation. He took part in numerous R&D projects, mainly in the area of defence applications, including function of the Project Manager. He is a co-author of 46 papers indexed in Scopus.