IRS 2024 Focus Session
“EW for radar technology”
Constant development of electronics has a significant impact on the modern radar technology bringing new threats on modern and future electronic warfare. The modern electronic warfare requires the involvement of various means in order to effectively protect own assets by engaging different technologies, techniques and methods. This Focus Session is about utilization of essential radar technology for electronic protection means against electronic attack by hostile sensors, advanced electronic support measures and future electronic countermeasure approaches
Session chairs

Artur Gromek
Artur Gromek, PhD, Senior Assistant Professor @ Warsaw Univ. of Tech.: Received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electronics and telecommunication from the Warsaw University of Technology, Poland in 2006. In 2009, he undertook his Ph.D. studies at the electronics faculty of the Warsaw University of Technology. Since 2010, he has been employed at the Warsaw University of Technology. Previously in 2004, he had practices in the Telecommunications Industry Institute. Later on, in 2005, he was employed for several years as a senior engineering expert in the telecommunication commercial companies. Mr. Gromek is the author/coauthor of more than 70 scientific papers. He was involved in many scientific and commercial projects granted from European and National institutions, in several engaged as project manager and principal researcher. His research interests involve modern radar technology i.e. synthetic aperture radar, noise radar, LPI/LPR radar, remote sensing, and electronic warfare. For years he has been a member of the NATO SET research task groups on modern and future radar technology and EW solutions.

Dietmar Matthes
Dietmar Matthes, Dipl.-Ing., Scientist at Fraunhofer FHR: Received his diploma degree in High-Frequency technology and telecommunications from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany in 1994. Following his military service at a technical support battalion for ground-based air defence systems, in 1996 he joined FGAN FHP (Research Association for Applied Science, Institute for High Frequency Physics) at Wachtberg, Germany, which was integrated to the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft in 2009 as the Fraunhofer FHR (Fraunhofer Institute for High Frequency Physics and Radar Techniques).
He was involved in many scientific projects granted from the MoD and defence industries, focusing on aspects of modern radar Electronic Warfare, like technologies and signal processing for digital ESM receivers and countermeasures against imaging, LPI or passive radar. Currently he is leading the EW Research Group at FHR and the NATO STO SCI-332 research task group on electronic attack to modern radar systems.