
Maurizio Bozzi

Maurizio Bozzi received the Ph.D. degree in electronics and computer science from the University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy, in 2000. He held research positions in various universities worldwide, including the Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Germany, the Universitat de Valencia, Spain, and the École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada. He was a Guest Professor at Tianjin University, China, and a Visiting Professor at Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. Currently, he is a full professor of electromagnetic fields at the University of Pavia. His main research interests concern the computational electromagnetics, the substrate integrated waveguide technology, and the use of novel materials and fabrication technologies for microwave circuits.

Prof. Bozzi is the 2024 President of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society (MTT-S). He is a Fellow of IEEE.

Novel Topologies and Technological Solutions for Microwave Sensors

A broad range of different physical quantities can be determined by adopting electromagnetic techniques at microwave frequency: among them, an important class of sensors aims at the determination of the electric and magnetic characteristics of materials, for instance with the scope to establish the content of a certain element in liquids. Another class of sensors are devoted to the accurate determination of the linear or the angular displacement of a target.

Depending on the intended application, the requested features of microwave sensors are typically compact size, low manufacturing cost, and easy design and fabrication, as well as good accuracy of the results.

This talk will provide an overview of some recent achievements in the area of microwave sensors, for applications ranging from the characterization of the electrical properties of materials to the determination of rotation and proximity. The use of planar structures and SIW technology, the fabrication by additive manufacturing, as well as the adoption of hybrid solutions will be presented and discussed.